K Company

K Company, a military unit comprised of 144 clone troopers in addition to support staff, functioned as a company within the Hawkbat Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic. This battalion was part of the 327th Star Corps. During the Clone Wars conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, K Company, initially under the leadership of Clone Captain Deviss, consisted of four platoons. The company participated in the first battle of the war, which took place on the Outer Rim planet of Geonosis in 22 BBY.

During this initial conflict, the Hawkbat Battalion, including K Company, received orders to advance on a formation of Separatist spider droids, which resulted in significant losses for both the battalion and the company. Captain Deviss, along with two severely injured clone troopers, managed to survive. For three hours, they held their position in a shallow crater, with Deviss providing medical aid to the wounded and defending against the advancing enemy forces. Eventually, they were rescued, and Deviss was recognized for his bravery with an award and a new command following the battle.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of K Company appeared in "Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic," a reference piece from 2005 authored by Karen Traviss and Ryan Kaufman for the eighty-fourth edition of the Star Wars Insider publication. Later, the company was depicted in a 2013 action figure set within Hasbro's Star Wars: Saga Legends toy line.


Notes and references
