Kabus-Dabeh's remnants, circa 4,000 BBY On the world of Muzara, the Muza referred to a pyramidal stone ruin as Kabus-Dabeh. Legend claimed it was erected by a malevolent race. It sat at the terminus of a tight canyon, situated to the north of a Muza village.
The pyramid was adorned with peculiar stone figures at its corners, and a staircase provided access to the summit. An altar was located at the peak, incorporating a trap mechanism activated by weight.
Togarn, a sentient being possibly a primeval Sithspawn, dwelled in a cavern close to Kabus-Dabeh. Togarn perpetrated assaults on the Muza community.
Speculation linked the location to a long-vanished civilization tied to the Sith. Keval Raffaan investigated it around 4000 BBY.