Kaddak (clone trooper)

Kaddak was a male Human clone originating from Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter. He was born on the planet Kamino with the purpose of serving within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. A Mandalorian member of the Cuy'val Dar provided him with combat training. As he learned about Mandalorian culture and history, this soldier adopted the name Kaddak, a palindrome derived from the first name of Kad Ha'rangir, the god of destruction in Mandalorian mythology.

As time passed, Kaddak began to view the clones in the Republic's Grand Army as nothing more than slaves. This led to increasing tension between him and his Cuy'val Dar instructor, culminating in a fight where Kaddak killed the Mandalorian with his own hands. Subsequently, Kaddak was imprisoned on Kamino, where his Kaminoan superiors considered him a failure. They intended to study him to understand why he had deviated from their established behavioral norms. During his imprisonment, Kaddak engaged in rigorous exercise and had his self-chosen name tattooed all over his body. To further distinguish himself from his identical clone brethren, Kaddak intentionally scarred his face and kept his head completely shaved. After the Kaminoan tests concluded, some said Kaddak was executed, while others believed he had escaped. The latter was proven true when Kaddak reappeared on the planet [Ostor], where he was allied with the local Separatist holdouts. He later told fellow clone trooper Hock Malsuum that he was striving to establish a more egalitarian society on that world. Kaddak attempted to recruit Hock to his cause, but Hock instead used the opportunity to assist Imperial stormtroopers in infiltrating Ostor's capital city. In response to this betrayal, Kaddak attacked Hock, but he was killed during the ensuing battle.

Behind the scenes

Kaddak's introduction to the Star Wars universe was in the second issue of Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows, a comic book series. The comic was authored by Tim Siedell and released on January 14, 2013.

