Kad Ha'rangir

In the ancient Mandalorian religion, there existed a deity known as Kad Ha'rangir. This powerful figure, the destroyer god, was perceived by the Mandalorians as the force behind transformation and advancement in the universe. Kad Ha'rangir engaged in an eternal conflict with Arasuum, the sloth-god who embodied stagnation and idleness.

As a form of worship to Kad Ha'rangir, the ancient Mandalorians engaged in ritualized combat, seeking his favor while resisting the allure of inactivity and overindulgence represented by Arasuum. These warriors became known as Mandalorian Crusaders, reflecting the sacred nature of their battles, and they considered their clans to be Kad Ha'rangir's chosen people.

Over time, the veneration of Kad Ha'rangir and the belief in Arasuum diminished within Mandalorian culture. After experiencing a spiritual revelation on the planet Shogun, the Mandalorian leader Mandalore the Indomitable proclaimed that warfare itself should be the focal point of Mandalorian worship, asserting that engaging in war was a divine act, although the worship of war also waned as the centuries progressed.

Despite this decline, Kad Ha'rangir and the other Mandalorian gods were not entirely forgotten. For example, Clan Ha'rangir of the Hidden Chain professed descent from the god. Furthermore, many millennia afterwards, in 19 BBY, the Mandalorian soldier Kal Skirata possessed knowledge of their previous significance in Mandalorian mythology, and the historian Vilnau Teupt recalled their importance to the early Mandalorians during his keynote speech at the four hundred twelfth Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History held at the Brentaal Academy in 24 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Kad Ha'rangir's initial appearance in Star Wars Legends occurred within the article titled The Mandalorians: People and Culture. This article, authored by Karen Traviss, was featured in the eighty-sixth issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine, published in February of 2006. The deity was also referenced in the later book The Essential Guide to Warfare, penned by Jason Fry and [Paul R. Urquhart](/article/paul r._urquhart), which was released on April 3, 2012.

