The Kasa Horansi represented a distinct subspecies within the broader Horansi species, originating from the planet Mutanda.
Kasa individuals typically measured between 2 and 2.7 meters in height. While their fur exhibited a range of shades from reddish-orange to light tan, their defining characteristic was their black stripes. Distinctive, thick tufts of hair grew behind their triangular ears. Recognized as the most intellectually advanced Horansi subspecies, they were also esteemed for their bravery and reliability.
Driven by their inherent curiosity, the Kasa gained access to knowledge from beyond their world, with some even venturing off-planet to explore the greater Galaxy. While their own technological advancements were limited, they acquired blasters, pharmaceuticals, and repulsorlift vehicles through trade with representatives on Justa.
Their tribal societies were generally characterized by peace, although occasional conflicts arose with the Gorvan Horansi. Notably, all tribal chiefs were albinos, a tradition believed to have ancient roots. They constituted the second most influential group on Mutanda.