The Kashi Mer Dynasty, originating from the planet Kashi located within the Phelleem sector, represented an isolated Human civilization.
This dynasty achieved its zenith when its people learned to master and influence "the Breath", which is also recognized as the Force.
Before his transformation into a Jedi, Xendor faced banishment from the Kashi Mer dynasty due to his employment of the dark side of the Force alongside the Teräs Käsi fighting style.
The civilization met its end in 25,000 BBY when Kashi's central star exploded as a supernova, resulting in the complete annihilation of the entire planetary system. Before this cataclysm, the Kashi Mer talisman was taken from Kashi, and the supernova happened soon after the perpetrator, Reda Jalooz, came back to the world seeking absolution. The Orixon Nebula's dark ring is what remains of the planet.
The Royale Macheteros served as the protectors of the royal family.
Tales of the Jedi Companion, narrated around 4000 BBY, refers to the Kashi Mer Dynasty in the present tense, despite the fact that Relic had previously indicated that the Kashi Mer Dynasty was destroyed "soon after the creation of the Old Republic."