Kateel of Kuhlvult, also known by the moniker "Neelah", was a Human female hailing from Kuat. She found employment as a dancer within the infamous Jabba's Palace.
Under the employ of Jabba the Hutt, Neelah performed as a dancing girl. Following Jabba's death, Neelah made her escape from the Hutt's palace, an escape marked by a gash on her cheek inflicted by a Gamorrean guard. During her flight from enslavement, Neelah happened upon two medical droids en route to a concealed base where Dengar was providing care to Boba Fett, whose form was partially digested, with his armor and skin largely dissolved by the sarlacc's digestive fluids. Sensing a connection between Boba Fett and her past, she allowed him to continue his recovery, but instructed the droids to keep her presence a secret.
Neelah's past was a mystery to her, the result of a mind-wipe orchestrated by her sister, Kodir of Kuhlvult. The only remnant of her former self was the conviction that she had not always been a slave, but rather held a position of authority. This haughty disposition fueled her belief that she was born into a higher social stratum. These thoughts remained private throughout her captivity. While she witnessed the cruel treatment of other girls by their obese master, even their occasional use as sustenance for the rancor, her own well-being remained surprisingly intact. She attributed this treatment to the watchful gaze of a bounty hunter—Boba Fett—who often caught her eye a number of times. His gaze evoked fear within her, but not solely due to his notorious reputation.
When Dengar took in Boba Fett and began the process of his healing, Neelah insisted on being involved in his recuperation, a request Dengar reluctantly granted. Upon learning of Fett's survival, Kuat of Kuat dispatched bombers to strafe the surface of Tatooine, seeking to permanently eliminate the bounty hunter. Following the aerial assault, Fett determined it was time to depart. Boba Fett brought Dengar along as a partner, and Neelah as well. She was unsure of her purpose, except for the notion that she had a role to play in Fett's mercenary activities. During their journey aboard the Slave I to a clandestine location, Neelah convinced Dengar to recount Boba Fett's recent history and dealings, events that coincided with her erased past.
During their voyage, Neelah hacked into Boba Fett's data files and uncovered an image of an ancient symbol from Kuat. This symbol triggered a flood of memories, revealing her true identity: Kateel of Kuhlvult, a member of Kuat's esteemed lineage. She concealed her regained knowledge from both bounty hunters, uncertain of their reaction.
Their ship was eventually located by Kateel's sister, Kodir of Kuhlvult, who removed Kateel from the company of Dengar and Boba Fett. Neither bounty hunter resisted Kateel's departure. Kodir was unaware that her sister had recovered her memories and understood the reasons behind Kodir's desire for her demise. When Kodir of Kuhlvult realized that Kateel remembered her past, she drew a blaster, prepared to silence Kateel permanently. However, Kateel reacted swiftly. She disarmed her sister with ease, overpowering Kodir's weak defense, and sent Kodir of Kuhlvult back to Kuat to face trial. Kateel then reconnected with her heritage, and when Fett located her, he suggested that she could seize control of Kuat Drive Yards due to the former leader's death.
As the chairman of KDY in 8 ABY, she was compelled to cede Kuat and its shipyards to the New Republic during the Taking of Kuat.