Bombing of the Kuat shipyards (4 ABY)

In the year 4 ABY, Kuat of Kuat, who was the director of Kuat Drive Yards, initiated a bombing of the Kuat shipyards. This destructive act was synchronized with the Battle of Endor, a crucial conflict in the Galactic Civil War that would decide its victor. Kuat's motivation was to deny both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance the ability to seize the shipyards and the company following this decisive battle. Kuat of Kuat personally triggered the explosions, resulting in his own death. Nevertheless, the actions of Boba Fett, a bounty hunter, indirectly halted the escalating chain reaction, averting the complete annihilation of the shipyards. Ultimately, eighty percent of the shipyards survived. Concurrent with the bombing, Commander Rozhdenst and the Rebel pilots of Scavenger Squadron successfully reached the docks and rescued multiple starships from being destroyed.

