Kuat (person)

Kuat of Kuat, a Human male, shared his designation with the planet he hailed from. During the Galactic Civil War era, he held the position of hereditary CEO and lead designer at Kuat Drive Yards, a major starship manufacturer within the galaxy, ranking among the top three. Succeeding his father in the role, he was also the nephew of Onara Kuat, and was known as Kuat of Kuat. While at the helm of Kuat Drive Yards, his official title was simply "Technician."


During the Clone Wars period, Kuat frequently found himself in disagreement with his aunt, even going so far as to thwart her attempt to remove Senator Giddean Danu from office.

As the Imperial military-industrial complex absorbed KDY's competitors, Kuat struggled to safeguard the autonomy of his family, his home planet, and his company. This stance, alongside his opposition to the Death Star project, resulted in his unpopularity among certain influential Kuati families and members of the Imperial elite.

Kuat masterminded an elaborate and complex scheme aimed at discrediting and dismantling the Black Sun criminal organization. This intricate plot also caused the Bounty Hunters' Guild to fragment into various feuding factions.

Later, fearing the loss of his grip on Kuat Drive Yards, Kuat rigged the entire construction docks with explosive charges. Boba Fett, piloting the Hound's Tooth, entered the exploding construction zone, where he discovered Kuat aboard one of the larger vessels, awaiting his impending demise.

Following a series of inquiries regarding the bombing raid on the Dune Sea, Boba Fett convinced Kuat to leave the ship. Fett then successfully piloted the vessel into the vacuum of space. In the aftermath, Kuat perished in the explosions, but the ship Fett used to escape was a crucial component of the explosive setup. Its removal disrupted the detonation sequence, resulting in the survival of 80% of the docks, a consequence of Fett's actions.

Kuat often kept a pet felinx as a companion. When he departed the Star Destroyer to await his death within the docks, Kuat discovered that his loyal felinx had managed to escape his private quarters and followed him there. He embraced the felinx, holding it close to his chest, preferring to listen to its heartbeat over the sounds of destruction surrounding them.

