Khiss, a Human investment advisor, attended the Circus Horrificus located on Nar Shaddaa circa 32 BBY.
Khiss, accompanied by a client who wished to remain anonymous, visited Nar Shaddaa in search of potential business ventures. They were in attendance at the Circus Horrificus performance that was interrupted by Mace Windu and Depa Billaba, both members of the Jedi Council. The Jedi had followed illegally bred akk dogs to the Circus's location.
When the Jedi requested that Gargonn, the crime boss, shut down the illegal operation, Vilmarh Grahrk, a Devaronian smuggler, made a bet that the Hutt's mutated akks would eliminate the two Jedi masters within fifteen mili-cycles. Khiss, acting for his client, accepted Grahrk's wager. When the Jedi survived the time limit, Khiss insisted that Grahrk pay the bet, revealing his unnamed client to be a furious Sebulba, who had just won the Vinta Harvest Classic.
The investment advisor and his Dug client, along with the majority of the spectators who had participated in the wager, were subsequently observed pursuing the unfortunate Grahrk as he fled the arena.