Killaniri system

The Killaniri system acted as a major provider of prothium blaster fuel to the Galactic Empire.

Due to the significant economic importance of Killaniri, the plains planet Mutanda was poised to experience rapid economic expansion. [Justa](/article/justa], Mutanda's second moon, contained the system's only significant starport. Consequently, numerous workers and goods traversed the extensive starport's corridors, acquiring the goods and services offered by Horansi merchants.

Mutanda was a landscape characterized by rolling grasslands, jungles, and unique natural formations. The Horansi, a sentient species, were actually composed of four distinct subspecies. Besides the Horansi, the planet was home to a diverse range of large game animals, which led to a flourishing, legalized safari industry. However, the increasing activity of poachers threatened to cause the extinction of numerous Mutandan wildlife species.

The Killaniri system held a position of importance within the Empire, featuring both a gas giant abundant in prothium blaster gas (Killaniri) and a planet inhabited by a sentient species (Mutanda). It was a profitable trade hub possessing considerable wealth, yet it lacked substantial political influence.

Control of Killaniri rested with external entities. The major weapons manufacturers, most notably BlasTech Industries and Czerka Arms, maintained total dominance over gas extraction operations on Killaniri. As a result, decisions pertaining to the system's development, administration, and growth were made by anonymous officials located far away.

Regarding Mutanda and Justa, virtually everyone present on these installations was either employed by the weapons corporations or supplying goods and services to their personnel.

The sentient Horansi of Mutanda preferred to maintain a more primitive and combative way of life. They seemed disinterested in unifying their people, and instead were fragmented and manipulated by minor criminals, powerful corporations, poachers, and unreliable, yet influential tribal chieftains.


  • Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One (First mentioned)
  • The Star Wars Planets Collection
  • The Essential Atlas
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)

Notes and references
