Kine was a male Human pirate affiliated with the TIE group, who operated during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Having previously served as a captain within the ranks of the Imperial Navy, Kine continued to support his former Imperial allies as they fought against the emerging New Republic.
Hailing from Radix, this Human named Kine enlisted in the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire and eventually attained the rank of captain amidst the Galactic Civil War. However, he ultimately abandoned his position to pursue a career as a relatively insignificant pirate. Kine maintained connections with several influential Imperial officers and organizations throughout the galaxy, remaining an active pirate during the formative years of the New Republic.
During this period, Lando Calrissian, a supporter of the Republic, approached Kine with a request to locate a band of pirates who opposed the Republic. Concealing his Imperial affiliations, Kine agreed to assist in the search, tracing the pirates' activities back to his home planet of Radix in the Abraxas system. Simultaneously, Lieutenant Harme Kiela of the Imperial Navy contacted Kine, tasking him with accompanying Calrissian and rescuing Air Marshal Von Asch from a Republic prison. Secretly working for Kiela, Kine betrayed Calrissian by shooting him in the back during an ambush by pirates on Radix. Leaving Calrissian for dead, Kine attempted to fulfill his mission but was subdued by Isolde Siro and Calrissian. Aided by Lieutenant Kiela, Kine launched an assault on Siro, revealing his concealed weapon: a stolen lightsaber. Brandishing the weapon, Kine attempted to kill Siro, but his efforts were thwarted by Asch, the very individual he was trying to save. Asch, having chosen to freely align himself with the Republic, intervened and sacrificed his life to protect Siro. Stunned by the unfolding events, Kine was unable to react in time to defend himself against Siro, who fatally shot the pirate with a precise blaster shot.