Kiros Zorad

Kiros Zorad, originating from Arda II, was a Human male. By the year 1 ABY, he had accumulated a significant debt to Mag Doum, a local businessman who was secretly an Imperial spy. Doum tasked Zorad, along with his son Zon, with the abduction of Leia Organa, a visiting Rebel leader. This order came about when she and Luke Skywalker seemed to be a threat to Doum's clandestine operation of selling surplus T-6 diodems to the Imperials. Zorad and his son, secretly intending to safeguard Organa, infiltrated the estate of the ruling Qualo of the planet, used a stun baton on Organa, and then escaped using a speeder.

Following an extended pursuit, Zorad left Zon and Organa near the Caverns of Colla-Di before allying himself with Skywalker. Upon returning to the caverns, Zorad and Skywalker discovered only bloody remnants, leading Zorad to erroneously conclude that his son and Organa were dead. After fending off a dangerous kdak, Zorad commandeered Skywalker's landspeeder and made his way back to the city of Tun Wala, where he revealed Doum's duplicity, sparking a near-riotous situation. Recognizing that Doum would likely flee and inform the Empire of the Rebels' presence on Arda II, Zorad secretly boarded Doum's ship as it departed the planet. He then launched an attack and hijacked the vessel while transmitting a message to Darth Vader. As Vader's battle group arrived in orbit above Arda II, Zorad executed a suicide run, using Doum's ship to inflict severe damage on the Sith Lord's Star Destroyer, which ultimately forced the Empire to retreat.

Behind the scenes

Kiros Zorad's character was featured in the As Long As We Live... storyline of the comic strip, which was penned by Don Christensen and published in 1980. The illustration of Zorad in the comic was done by Russ Manning.

