
Knaars were swift, night-dwelling, reptilian hunters, characterized by their yellow eyes, purplish-blue scaled hides, and a gleaming frill comprised of intensely sharp spines extending down their backs. These reptilian predators utilized strong mandibles to rip apart their quarry, and a barbed tail for protection via slashing. Originating from the planet Anobis, these nomadic beings journeyed under the cover of darkness in groups numbering in the hundreds, or were drawn to the glow of flames. Lacking any sense of subtlety, these bold monsters relied on fear tactics, employing loud hoots and howls combined with the pounding of their clawed feet to incite panic in their prey, causing it to rush directly toward them. Knaars exhibited an insatiable hunger, so great that they would even consume the injured or dead of their own species if the chance arose. It was documented that human prey were consumed in their entirety by Knaars amidst a stampede.

