
Anobis, a terrestrial world, existed within the Anobis system found in the Bright Jewel sector of the Mid Rim Territories and is considered a planet according to established lore. Positioned in proximity to Ord Mantell, its primary function was that of an agriworld and mining outpost, crucial in the provision of significant foodstuffs to the nearby and more remote star systems.


Serving as both an agricultural hub and a mining settlement, Anobis never sustained a large population, only scattered groups of colonists in rural mining towns and farming settlements. Relatively unknown, this world was ravaged by conflict, its settled areas marked by numerous scars and impact craters, a testament to its prolonged history of internal strife.

The planet was characterized by trees featuring thick canopies and blue-silver foliage, some exhibiting sleek, metallic trunks known to disrupt sensors, while others displayed scaly, orange-red bark. Besides the carnivorous Knaar that roamed the landscape, Anobis was also home to diminutive flying creatures, a hybrid of avian and moth-like features.

Throughout its history, much of Anobis' landscape was laden with booby traps, a consequence of the colonists' constant warfare against each other. The forests were filled with pit traps holographically disguised and filled with durasteel spikes, nearly invisible monofilament wire snares strung between trees, motion-activated autoturrets, hidden land mines, and camouflaged pressure plates linked to rudimentary branch and root traps. The fields and plains of Anobis were infested with burrowing detonators, sometimes numbering in the hundreds within a single field, while the mountain mines were rigged with motion and sound-sensitive sonic detonators.

On Anobis, weapons were highly sought after, and smugglers and arms dealers actively traded, supplying blasters, burrowing detonators, sonic grenades, and other armaments to the war-torn planet. The neighboring world of Ord Mantell particularly benefited, establishing a profitable arms trafficking operation.


Human colonists settled the world sometime after 3000 BBY and prior to the Ruusan Reformation within the Galactic Republic, establishing both mining and agricultural operations across different regions of the planet, which eventually led to the formation of two separate communities.

Initially, the farming and mining communities were self-sustaining, coexisting through trade. However, by the time of the Empire's rise, the miners had become heavily reliant on trade with the wider galaxy for their survival, exchanging valuable ores and crystals with off-world merchants, particularly the Empire, whenever they had the opportunity. Conversely, the farmers in the lowland plains were largely self-sufficient and generally supported the Rebel Alliance in their efforts to overthrow Imperial control. This division ignited a fierce civil war. During this period, weapons were smuggled into Anobis from nearby Ord Mantell.

The civil war persisted beyond the Empire's collapse and the establishment of the New Republic, lasting for approximately twenty-five years until 24 ABY, when Captain Han Solo intervened, meeting with the leaders of both factions and brokering a provisional ceasefire.

