
Ko'lek and Oo'rha Ko'lek was a male Twi'lek from the Lek clan, according to Twi'lek mythology. The folk tales recount that, before the three moons of Ryloth were bathed in the red light of the sun, Ko'lek stumbled upon a concealed route that, unbeknownst to him, opened into a settlement belonging to the rival Rha clan. He journeyed through this clandestine passage for several hours, using a glow-fungus lantern as his light, ultimately arriving in the kitchen of a Rha clan warren.

Unaware of his location, Ko'lek sought refuge behind a munch-fungus bin nestled in an alcove. He intended to wait for the women who were cooking by the clan's large furnaces to leave so that he could steal some funge-bread for himself. At that moment, he encountered Oo'rha, who had returned to collect the forgotten loaves of funge-bread. Oo'rha, captivated by Ko'lek's appearance, disregarded the fact that he was a member of a warring clan and assisted him in concealing himself.

Their relationship quickly blossomed into love, which they kept secret from everyone. One day, Ko'lek led Oo'rha through a tunnel to an ancient balcony near the summit of the Lonely Third to show her the mountain vista. Tragically, a sudden heat storm erupted, resulting in their immediate deaths.

The story of Ko'lek and Oo'rha became a widespread cautionary narrative among Twi'lek mothers in Kala'uun, intended to deter their children from exploring the hidden passageways within clan warrens.


  • Platt's Starport Guide (First mentioned)
