
Ko'lek and Oo'rha Oo'rha was a female Twi'lek from the domain of Twi'lek legends, a member of the Rha clan. The tales recount that, in a time before the three moons of Ryloth were bathed in the red glow of the sun, Ko'lek, her future lover and a member of the rival Lek clan, stumbled upon a concealed path leading to a Rha clan settlement, unbeknownst to him. After traversing the secret route for several hours, using a glow-fungus lantern for illumination, Ko'lek found himself in the kitchen of a Rha clan warren.

Unaware of his location, Ko'lek sought refuge behind a munch-fungus bin in a recess, intending to pilfer some funge-bread once the women cooking at the clan's large ovens had departed. It was at this moment that he encountered Oo'rha, who had returned for the forgotten funge-bread. Oo'rha, disregarding Ko'lek's affiliation with a warring clan, aided him in concealing himself, finding him attractive.

Their relationship blossomed in secret. Eventually, Ko'lek escorted Oo'rha through a tunnel leading to an old balcony near the summit of the Lonely Third, offering a panoramic view of the mountains. Tragically, a sudden heat storm erupted, resulting in their immediate deaths.

The narrative of Ko'lek and Oo'rha evolved into a widely circulated cautionary story among Twi'lek mothers in Kala'uun, intended to discourage their offspring from exploring the hidden passages within clan warrens.


  • Platt's Starport Guide (First mentioned)
