Kood Gareeda

Kood Gareeda, a male comedian of the Rodian species, plied his trade across the Outer Rim Territories during the time of the Imperial era. He was also one in a succession of owners of the Cybot Galactica LE-series repair droid LE-BO2D9, known as Leebo, after the droid was pilfered from the portmaster of the Esseles starport. Functioning as Gareeda's manager, Leebo handled the logistics of travel, accommodations, and performance bookings. Gareeda also imbued the droid with a peculiar comedic sensibility to enhance his stage act. His humor, however, didn't always land well; on Rodia, he incited displeasure with jokes aimed at their leader, Navik the Red. To secure rapid departure from Rodia, Gareeda bartered Leebo to the smuggler Dash Rendar, who subsequently left him on Byblos.

A contrasting account of the comedian was presented in a report by Imperial Security Bureau Commander Maximillian Seerdon to Grand Vizier Sate Pestage concerning Rendar. Information sourced from the ISB's Gamma Intelligence Group indicated that the comedian briefly served as Rendar's co-pilot on the Outrider, meeting an early end within the first moments of their initial assignment.

