
Korriz, an industrial world, existed within the Korriz system. This system was situated in the Sith Worlds, a region of space located inside the Stygian Caldera nebula. The nebula itself resided in the Outer Rim's Esstran sector. Korriz was positioned along the Descri Wris hyperlane. Before its downfall during the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY, Korriz was a component of the Sith Empire. Around this time, the Sith Lord Tritos Nal operated a workshop there. Servants of the Sith Lord called the Patron journeyed to Korriz to pilfer Garu's Warblade, a Sith sword crafted by Tritos Nal for the Sith Lord Garu. They succeeded in their theft, overcoming Garu's agents' attempts to thwart them. By the era of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Empire, Korriz had become integrated into the latter. During this period, pirates hijacked an Imperial cargo ship that had just departed from Korriz, causing it to deviate from its intended course.

