
A solitary humanoid being, Krelman made his home on the arid world of Tatooine. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, following the destruction of the first Death Star, Krelman paid a visit to Chalmun's Cantina where he became captivated by Ackmena, a bartender who worked during the night. After much deliberation, Krelman—who had all but lost hope in life—returned to the cantina several days later and confronted her, declaring his love and offering her flowers. Initially, she declined his advances, but after the Imperial curfew forced all other patrons to leave, Krelman stayed with Ackmena, who no longer objected to his presence.

The Imperial Council transmitted Krelman's conversation with Ackmena via the HoloNet as recommended viewing, intending to demonstrate to Imperial citizens that they should strive for a higher moral standard than those living on planets like Tatooine.


Just six words

An aging humanoid, Krelman resided on the remote world of Tatooine. Possessing more fingers than a standard Human, Krelman distinguished himself among the cantina's clientele with a unique cranial orifice through which he consumed beverages.

One evening, sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Krelman entered Chalmun's Cantina situated in the city of Mos Eisley. He found himself deeply attracted to Ackmena, the silver-haired bartender working the night shift. Her parting words—"Come back soon, I'll be waiting"—profoundly affected Krelman. Departing the cantina, he experienced a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. Returning home, he pondered the significance of Ackmena's words, concluding that they held particular relevance to his life. After careful consideration, Krelman resolved to revisit the cantina a few nights later.

Imperial spotlight and Ackmena

To bolster the dedication of Imperial citizens, the Imperial Council mandated that all members of the Imperial forces and recommended that all viewers watch a live broadcast from Tatooine, highlighting the planet's perceived moral deficiencies. The broadcast commenced just as Krelman approached the Mos Eisley Cantina. He entered, sidestepping the bouncer Tork, who was ejecting a boisterous Abyssin patron named Cyceyed. Holding flowers, Krelman located Ackmena behind the bar. Assuring himself that his flowers were sufficiently potent, Krelman approached her and initiated a conversation. He showed little interest in his drink, focusing instead on the woman he addressed. Krelman regretted his delay in returning, having considered it on multiple prior occasions. As Ackmena served other customers, Krelman imbibed his drink through the hole on the top of his head.

Krelman takes a drink

As a token of his affection for Ackmena, he placed the flowers atop his empty glass, a gesture that flattered her. Krelman reminded her of his name, took her hand, and began to express his feelings: how he had lost all hope until he met Ackmena and believed she cared for him. He then spoke of love and, in a moment of manufactured emotion, embraced Ackmena tightly. Surprised, Ackmena explained that her words were not an invitation to romance and that she lacked the time for such pursuits. Undeterred, Krelman took a seat next to Cebann Veekan at the bar and accepted another drink from Ackmena, this time complimentary. However, Krelman's hopes were shattered when he overheard Ackmena repeat those "six simple little words," as he called them, to another customer. He quickly became despondent as he realized Ackmena's lack of interest.

Curfew and another opportunity

Ackmena let Krelman stay in the cantina after closing.

At that moment, the Empire declared an immediate curfew for the entire Tatoo system. Ackmena attempted to persuade the patrons to leave and comply with the order, but to no avail. Consequently, Ackmena provided everyone with a final round of drinks on the house and used her charm, through the song "Goodnight, But Not Goodbye," to encourage the customers to depart, which they did—except for Krelman, whom Ackmena allowed to remain inside after locking up. Krelman again offered the flowers to Ackmena, who appeared less resistant, as the Imperial transmission concluded.

Personality and traits

Krelman was a lonely individual who had experienced many years, filled with both triumphs and setbacks, but had ultimately resigned himself to despair—until he encountered Ackmena. Krelman misinterpreted a simple greeting as an expression of love. Showing persistence, Krelman did not easily abandon his pursuit of Ackmena's affection.

Behind the scenes

Krelman was one of three characters portrayed by comedian Harvey Korman in the 1978 The Star Wars Holiday Special, the other two being the chef Gormaanda and Dromboid. Korman, well-known to television audiences from The Carol Burnett Show at the time, reportedly kept the cast and crew amused during the extended filming of the TV special. listed Krelman's unusual method of drinking through the top of his head as number nine on their "20 Terrifying Star Wars Moments" list in 2007. Alex Newborn similarly noted it as odd in the article "I Have a Bad Feeling About This!," published in Star Wars Insider 106.

