The Krikthasi were sizable, intelligent marine mollusks that were native to the planet of Baralou. They possessed sentience.
These Kirkthasi were a species of large, intelligent marine mollusk that could not survive outside of water for very long. Their bodies were flexible and ribbon-like, growing to lengths of up to 2.5 meters. Each end of their bodies featured four tentacles covered in suckers. The tentacles at the front of the body were spaced relatively evenly around the body, positioned behind the Krikthasi's four small but developed eyes. These eyes were arranged in a row beneath two openings at the very front of the body. One opening served as a mouth, while the other was used to draw water into the Krikthasi's body. This water was then forced through a series of muscles and expelled through vents located at the rear of the body. This expulsion of water allowed the Krikthasi to propel themselves through the water at speeds reaching 40 kilometers per hour. The tentacles at the rear of the body were also evenly spaced and situated above the Krikthasi's dorsal fins. The specific number of fins varied among individual Krikthasi, depending on their ancestry.
These creatures could communicate through alterations in their body color, which naturally ranged from shades of black to brown. This color changing was accomplished using chromanins, with the location, speed, pattern, and intensity of the color shifts all carrying meaning. Krikthasi were carnivores that primarily consumed schools of fish, as well as the eggs of the Multopos, another intelligent species indigenous to Baralou who lived on the planet's land.
Generally, Krikthasi were highly intelligent, but they were also known for being aggressive, stubborn, violent, and territorial. These creatures resided within the interconnected skeletons of dead treppoks, a large species of fish, because these structures were easily defended. Krikthasi were able to control live treppoks using "treppok calls," sounds that the mollusks could produce to terrify the fish and drive them into a frenzy. The Krikthasi's fragmented, tribal society was partly a result of the constant conflict between them and the amphibious Multopos. The Krikthasi fought due to their inherent bloodlust, but also because they failed to recognize that their opponents were also intelligent. The Krikthasi's habit of eating Multopos eggs further fueled the conflict. They would attack the land-dwellers when storms or floods allowed them access to Multopos settlements, as the tides sometimes rose as high as 50 feet.

Krikthasi society placed great emphasis on combat prowess, with the most skilled warrior typically holding the position of osi. Each osi presided over a junieuw, a fiefdom that divided the oceans of their homeworld. The majority of the ocean was under the control of a few of the most powerful junieuw. Each junieuw was further divided into territories governed by members of the osi's family, who controlled the individual tribes within their respective areas. In addition to the osi-controlled tribes, many independent tribes were scattered throughout Baralou. Osi would sometimes engage in warfare with one another over the schools of fish that were vital to their sustenance. Border skirmishes between junieuw were also commonplace, and in most conflicts, Krikthasi utilized spears crafted from carved coral or [bone](/article/bone-legends], materials that were also used to create rudimentary tools.
The Krikthasi experienced significant hardship after the Multopos began trading with offworlders, acquiring blasters and initiating open hunts against their rival species.
Imperial biologists made attempts to decipher the meaning behind the Krikthasi's color changes, but they were unable to fully comprehend it. They concluded that shades of blue or green indicated aggression, yellow represented territory, and orange or red signaled a willingness to discuss or negotiate.