Baralou, situated within the Varada sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was classified as a planet in galactic records. It served as the original home for both the Krikthasi and the [Multopos] (/article/multopos) species.
This world, designated as the primary planet within the Baralou system, presented a climate characterized by warmth and high humidity. Two indigenous sentient species, the Krikthasi and Multopos, coexisted alongside a diverse range of aquatic life forms and toxic flora. Its surface was predominantly covered by expansive oceans, punctuated only by a scattering of diminutive island chains emerging from the water. The presence of four moons orbiting the planet generated intense weather patterns and exerted substantial influence on the tides, occasionally resulting in dramatic tidal fluctuations exceeding fifty meters. Baralou was abundant in both mineral wealth and naturally occurring resources. The planet's internal geological activity fostered the creation of a vast quantity and assortment of gemstones. Examples such as rubies, sasho gems, kuggerags, diamonds, and jasse hearts were commonly found across most of the islands. These islands generally displayed extensive vegetation, exhibiting two notable characteristics. Firstly, the plant life, including trees, possessed exceptionally deep root systems, providing anchorage against powerful tidal forces. Secondly, a significant portion of the plant species, encompassing native fruits and vegetables, contained poisonous compounds that affected most non-native organisms.
The planetary oceans of Baralou were teeming with diverse aquatic organisms. Various primitive plant forms thrived beneath the surface, including bestrum algae and assorted underwater grasses. Colorful fish were ubiquitous throughout the waters. Notable species included the treppok and the grotseth.
The two native populations, both existing at a stone-age level of technological development, maintained hostile relations. The amphibious Multopos, though amenable to traders, were age-old adversaries of the Krikthasi, who lived primarily underwater.
The Aqualis Food Conglomerate maintained operational facilities on this planet.
During the period known as the Cold War between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, the Sith Lord named Dakron perpetrated the destruction of Baralou's primary urban center, resulting in the slaughter of its inhabitants.
The Alliance to Restore the Republic maintained a small presence on Baralou in the form of Aqualis Base, which was a significant source of provisions for the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.