KRONOS-327 was a Holowan Mechanicals IG-86 sentinel droid that had gone rogue. He was in the service of Ziro the Hutt, who held the position of Vigo within the Black Sun crime syndicate. Due to Ziro's unusual practice of omitting frequent memory wipes, the assassin droid KRONOS developed his own unique personality and learned from each time he spent on various missions. Following a failed assignment, specifically the elimination of a rival Vigo on Yout's twelfth moon in 22 BBY, KRONOS returned to Ziro's Palace. This palace was located on Coruscant, the capital world of the Republic. Upon delivering his report, Ziro voiced his dissatisfaction and decreed that the droid should be dismantled. Subsequently, KRONOS was escorted away by two other IG-86 droids.


KRONOS-327 reports his failure to Ziro the Hutt.

Holowan Mechanicals was the manufacturer of KRONOS-327, an IG-86 sentinel droid. This droid was acquired by Ziro Desilijic Tiure, a Hutt who held the rank of Vigo in the Black Sun criminal syndicate. KRONOS functioned as both an assassin droid and a bounty hunter. Due to the infrequent application of a memory wipe, KRONOS was able to accumulate experience and cultivate a distinct personality. By the year 22 BBY, KRONOS had been a loyal servant of Ziro for several years, having earned the Hutt's confidence by killing numerous adversaries of the Vigo.

In 22 BBY, during the height of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems across the galaxy, Ziro sent the droid to Yout 12, the twelfth moon orbiting the planet Yout, with the mission to assassinate a rival Vigo within Black Sun. Although KRONOS did not succeed in his mission, he did return to Ziro at his master's palace situated in the Uscru Entertainment District on Coruscant. KRONOS presented his report in the palace's throne room to the Hutt crime lord, requesting a second opportunity, as he was confident that he could complete the assignment successfully with another chance. Ziro expressed his deep disappointment in his most trusted assassin. Deeming KRONOS as now useless, the Hutt activated a concealed control mechanism that disabled the droid's weapons and gave the order for it to be dismantled for spare parts. KRONOS, expressing fear of being taken apart, was subsequently escorted out of the chamber by two other IG-86 sentinel droids.


KRONOS-327 was an IG-86 sentinel droid manufactured by Holowan Mechanicals, belonging to the IG-series line of combat droids. Ziro the Hutt employed the droid as both an assassin and a bounty hunter. In line with other IG-86 units serving Ziro, KRONOS was allowed to operate for extended periods without undergoing memory wipes. This allowed the droid to accumulate considerable experience from his missions and even develop a distinct personality. After his failure on Yout 12, KRONOS sought forgiveness from Ziro. While being escorted away by two other IG-86 droids, KRONOS vocally expressed his fear of being dismantled.

KRONOS was equipped with a multi-sensor suite in his head, along with specialized combat programming that enhanced his targeting capabilities. He possessed knowledge of military tactics and was equipped with features that aided him in his missions, including magnetic graspers for securing weapons and servos that allowed him to move in high-gravity environments. The droid typically used an underworld blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of KRONOS-327 occurred in Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide, which was released in 2008. KRONOS also made an appearance in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film in the same year, with Corey Burton providing his voice – the same actor who voiced Ziro. The numerical designation "327" in KRONOS's name is another instance of this number appearing in canon.

