
An astromech droid with a female personality matrix, programmed into her systems, was designated KT-10. On Biitu, she was seized by the colossal droid known as the Great Heep. While both were captives in the Heep's droid harem, she and another astromech, R2-D2, developed a romantic connection. Eventually, KT-10 was consumed by the Heep, her energy depleted, leading to her deactivation. After being discarded in a junkyard, R2-D2, along with other astromech prisoners of the Heep, rescued her and sacrificed their own power to revive her.


KT-10 and R2-D2 begin their relationship

KT-10, an astromech droid with programming that gave her a feminine personality, found herself on the planet of Biitu in the Outer Rim during 15 BBY. This occurred when she was captured by the Great Heep, a massive droid deployed by the Galactic Empire to extract resources from the agriworld. KT-10 was placed within the droid harem, a section of the Heep's base used to house astromech droids, from which the Heep regularly drew power. Here, like the other droids, she was treated to luxuries like oil baths and comfortable cushions, meant to distract them from their impending doom. KT-10 garnered much attention from other droids, those programmed with masculine personalities. These droids became distracted and accident-prone while observing her.

Later, the astromech droid R2-D2 was also captured by the Great Heep and placed in the harem. KT-10, disregarding the other droids' attention, playfully splashed at the edge of R2's oil bath. Attracted to her, R2-D2 approached and connected his computer interface arm to hers. This act sparked jealousy among the other droids, but the two moved into the oil bath to frolic and spray oil at one another.

KT-10 is helped up after being reactivated

Over the next day, their bond deepened as they engaged in playful activities, nuzzling each other in the oil. However, this joy was short-lived. The Great Heep, in need of more power, desired another R2 unit. Meanwhile, C-3PO, R2-D2's protocol droid counterpart, had infiltrated the harem to rescue R2-D2. As R2-D2 left the oil bath to confer with C-3PO, KT-10 was seized. She was taken to the Heep and consumed, her screams audible to the other droids. KT-10's shell was then discarded in a junkyard.

During his escape attempt, R2-D2 stumbled upon the same junkyard and discovered KT-10's remains. He attempted to revive her with his own power, but lacked sufficient energy and was soon recaptured by the Great Heep. After the Great Heep's defeat and the liberation of his droids, they gathered around KT-10's lifeless shell with R2-D2. R2-D2 re-established the power connection, this time with all the other droids linking up to him, amplifying the energy transfer. This combined effort was enough, and KT-10 was reactivated. She and R2-D2 were reunited. However, their relationship was not destined to last. R2-D2's thirst for adventure proved too strong, and the two droids eventually parted ways.


KT-10, believed to be a variant of the KT-series astromech droid model, possessed an ovoid form adorned in pink and red hues. Her sensors were blue, and the treads at the base of her legs resembled women's shoes. Despite being considered attractive by other astromech droids, KT-10 displayed a degree of coyness in her interactions with R2-D2. Nevertheless, she permitted their relationship to progress rapidly, to the point where R2-D2 was willing to sacrifice himself for her.

Behind the scenes

KT-10 made her debut in The Great Heep, a 1986 TV special derived from the animated series Star Wars: Droids. In The Great Heep, KT-10 is brought to the Heep when he requests "another R2 unit;" in the short film, astromech droids of various types are collectively referred to as "R2 units." The second and third editions of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, the Star Wars Encyclopedia, and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia all identify her as an R2 unit, even though her design and designation are inconsistent with the R2 series. Although unnamed in the episode, the droid was given the name KT-10 in 1992's George Lucas: The Creative Impulse.

