Kutri O'a

Kutri O'a, a male Bothan and a Jedi Master, lived during the times of the Cold War in addition to the Galactic War.


A Bothan Jedi Master, Kutri O'a was an adept in the art of Holocron creation, famous for his precognitive talents. He participated in the First Battle of Bothawui that occurred during the Great Galactic War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. His desire was to build a Holocron for the third Barsen'thor; however, he was unable to rendezvous with his fellow Jedi on Tython. Ultimately, in 3637 BBY, O'a was summoned by the Force to Rishi, where he finally met with the Barsen'thor, sharing the visions he had experienced.

O'a assists Barsen'thor with the work on the holocron.

Given that the holocron represented more than a mere recording, serving as a reflection of the Barsen'thor's essence, O'a was required to perform a brain scan to establish a foundation for the holocron's matrix. Nonetheless, the Barsen'thor needed to first enter a serene and tranquil state, known as the Susheer State, to enable the procedure. While meditation chambers could facilitate this state on Tython, such technology was absent on the relatively undeveloped world of Rishi. However, the native Rishii people, like many other cultures, possessed their own methods for achieving heightened states of awareness, which the Jedi could adapt for their purposes. The Bothan Jedi instructed the Barsen'thor and a companion to venture into Rishi's jungles to gather kishu reeds for the ritual. Under O'a's guidance via holocomm, the Barsen'thor meditated in the soothing waters of a nearby waterfall and then burned the collected kishu reeds at a sacred Rishii site, meditating by the fire. These rituals aided the Barsen'thor in achieving the Susheer State, and they then returned to O'a, who had prepared an empty holocron for the process. The device's crystal matrix needed to anchor itself to the Barsen'thor's knowledge and experiences for it to properly develop. Therefore, O'a consulted the Force to glimpse potential future scenarios, asking the Barsen'thor how they would respond in each situation. Upon completion of the ritual, the Barsen'thor had successfully created a personal holocron, as requested by their Jedi colleague.

