Kybacca, a Wookiee from Legends, held a high-ranking position as a senator within the New Republic. Her stance involved resistance against the inclusion of ex-Imperials in the Senate. The meaning of the "Bacca" suffix in Kybacca's name, when rendered in Galactic Basic Standard, signifies "Ally/Friend/Sister."
The initial reference to Kybacca appeared in the Star Wars Encyclopedia, written by Stephen J. Sansweet, and released by Del Rey in 1998. The Encyclopedia attributes the entry to Kristine Kathryn Rusch's 1996 book, The New Rebellion. However, no Kybacca is mentioned in the novel. Instead, Kerrithrarr serves as the senior Wookiee senator, and stands as one of the few senators against the election of former Imperial officers to New Republic posts.