Labor Outpost was a settlement located on Yavin 4.
The settlement was essentially a small, walled-in area. In contrast to the Mining Outpost on Yavin 4, it featured a more robust defensive perimeter and a prominent watch tower. Furthermore, it contained its own cantina, a medical facility, and a spaceport.
Following the Galactic Empire's seizure of Yavin 4 from the Rebel Alliance in 0 ABY, the Empire established this outpost. It became a common location for smugglers, who often used it as a base of operations.
During this period, individuals such as Lieutenant Colonel Aqzow, Major Eker, and Wuioe Opca were some of the more well-known inhabitants of the outpost.
Within the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG, the Labor Outpost is one of a trio of small Yavin 4 outposts that include a spaceport. The Imperial Fortress and the Mining Outpost are the other two settlements within the game that also possess spaceports.