Mining Outpost (Yavin 4)

The Mining Outpost constituted a settlement located on the moon of Yavin IV.


Essentially, the outpost comprised a compact, contained settlement. Within its boundaries were several structures of interest, such as a modest cantina, a hotel, a medical facility, and a spaceport.


Following the Galactic Empire's seizure of Yavin IV from the Rebel Alliance, they founded this outpost.

During this period, individuals of note residing in the outpost included Gardo Valdell, Jazeen Thurmm, Breac Slaus, Osae Meilea, Zelma, and Rebel Colonel Verks.

Production Notes

Within the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG, the Mining Outpost represents one of three small settlements situated on Yavin IV that boasts its own spaceport. The Labor Outpost and the Imperial Fortress are the other two settlements within the game that also feature a spaceport.

