
The Lafrarians were sentient avian humanoid beings, native to the planet of Lafra.

Biology and appearance

As descendants of avian creatures, Lafrarians retained numerous characteristics from their ancestors. They possessed a slender physique. The entirety of their nasal, cheek, and oral regions consisted of dense cartilage, and their features were notably sharp, including a pointed nose and elongated, pointed ears. Furthermore, they still had vestigial soaring membranes beneath their arms, although they had long since lost the capability of flight. Their skin typically exhibited a gray hue, although variations in skin tone, ranging from very dark to very light, were also observed. Remnants of feathers persisted on the crowns of their heads.

Their innate flying instincts and keen understanding of spatial dynamics made them exceptional pilots.

Society and culture

Although the Lafrarians had long ago lost the ability to fly, once they rediscovered the joy through motorized flight, they found they had an amazing aptitude for it, and became obsessed with flight. A large number of Lafrarians owned speeders or more basic aircraft, with land and water transportation being used very little on their world.

The planet of Lafra encompassed a diverse array of terrains, yet the Lafrarians commonly constructed their dwellings and settlements in locations inaccessible to creatures incapable of flight, such as the canopies of trees or the precipitous slopes of mountains.

Lafrarians displayed a penchant for intricate adornments, including dyeing their skin in various colors, piercing their ears, noses, mouths, and cheeks, and adorning their fingers with rings. Some Lafrarians employed "thickening agents" to alter the appearance of their feathers, making them resemble humanoid hair more closely. A significant number of Lafrans sought out work in the Corporate Sector.


The Lafrarian Maur "Hyperspace" Howins achieved legendary status in smashball, having scored 50 goals in 50 games during 61 BBY. Around 23 BBY, Zegret Wan, an Elomin smashball player, made an attempt to surpass this record. A Lafran was present on Atzerri during Luke Skywalker's visit to the planet in 16 ABY.

