Lafra, a world located within the Wyl sector of the Outer Rim, was a planet characterized by its diverse landscapes. This planet served as the original home of the Lafrarians, humanoids with gray skin and avian ancestry. While their ancestors possessed the ability to fly, they gradually lost this trait through countless years of evolution. They constructed their dwellings in elevated and hard-to-reach areas, such as the canopies of trees or the slopes of towering mountains. Almost all inhabitants of the planet possessed a personal flying vehicle, leading to minimal utilization of land or water transports.
A regrettable accident involving a malfunctioning CSPL-12 projectile launcher led to the unexpected demise of Imperial General Azarin on this very planet.
The smashball team representing the planet competed against the team from Gathus.
The video game Star Wars: Rebellion incorrectly situates the Orus sector, and therefore Lafra, within the Inner Rim. Furthermore, the game inaccurately claims the sector is in proximity to Corporate Sector space. Conversely, The Essential Atlas and its online counterpart, Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion, correctly position Lafra within the Wyl sector, placing it within the Outer Rim.