Lamos Chatoor

Lamos Chatoor was a male Imperial judge (a legal official) who, by the time of 0 ABY, had been serving in that role for two decades, or twenty years. Despite his position, he abused his authority to benefit himself and his associates in an unlawful manner. In 0 ABY, he was visited by Mara Jade, an Emperor's Hand, who intended to execute him as punishment for his corrupt activities. He tried to bargain and deceive his way out of his predicament, but Jade ultimately used her lightsaber to kill him.


Lamos Chatoor was a male judge in the service of the Galactic Empire. He had been a jurist for the Empire for two decades by the year 0 ABY, having begun his service in 19 BBY. However, for a period of five years within that time, he had been exploiting his power for personal gain through extortion, theft, and selling influence. In 0 ABY, Mara Jade, an Emperor's Hand, arrived at Chatoor's courthouse with the purpose of executing him as retribution for his offenses. Initially, the judge attempted to convince her that he did not deserve to die, and when this failed, he began to beg her to spare his life.

However, his pleas were merely a delaying tactic to allow two men to arrive and launch an assault on Jade. They proceeded with the attack, but Jade was prepared and eliminated them by redirecting their own blaster fire back at them using her lightsaber. During the commotion, Chatoor tried to seize Jade's dropped blaster, but she intervened in time, holding him at bay with her lightsaber. The judge then resumed pleading for his life, claiming that Jade had no friends and offering to be one to her. However, Jade ended his life by passing her lightsaber through his neck.

Personality and traits

Despite having served as an Imperial judge for two decades by 0 ABY, Lamos Chatoor was a morally bankrupt individual who exploited his position as a judge to enrich himself, his friends, and his supporters. He also engaged in deals that defrauded both the Empire and its citizens. When confronted with the prospect of death, he resorted to pleading, persuasion, and attempts to deceive Mara Jade. When Jade held a blaster to his head, his face became red and he began to sweat profusely. Later, when Jade held a lightsaber to his throat, his face turned pale and distorted. Although he professed his innocence, he attempted to shoot Jade in the back, prompting Jade to remark that an innocent person would not attempt to shoot an Imperial agent in the back.

Behind the scenes

Lamos Chatoor made an appearance in the 2011 novel Choices of One, which was authored by Timothy Zahn.

