Larad Noon served as a follower of Exar Kun during the time of the Old Sith Wars. Following the Sith's downfall, he escaped to the moon of Susevfi. It was there that he unearthed cortosis ore, a substance capable of resisting lightsaber attacks. Using this ore, he fashioned a suit of armor, believing the Jedi would eventually pursue him to that location. However, they never came. He then spent his final, isolated years contemplating philosophical concepts such as the Force, the nature of good and evil, and his own past actions. These reflections were recorded in a journal, which was found almost 4,000 years afterward by the Jensaarai. They then adopted many of his concepts concerning "integrating the shadow" into the core of their own doctrines.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook (Initial mention)
- The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
- Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties on Hyperspace (article) (information is outdated; backup link provided)
- Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia