A specialized defensive system found on Luthen Rael's altered Fondor Haulcraft was the laser beam. This weapon was capable of severing enemy vessels at close quarters, resulting in their destruction. During the Skirmish above Segra Milo, he effectively employed these beams against the TIE/ln starfighters launched by Captain Elk's Segra Milo Imperial Patrol cruiser, obliterating the fighters and enabling his escape.

The laser beam employed a powerful emitter to project a concentrated and consistent laser discharge at a short distance, behaving similarly to a [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber]. It could instantly bisect any material it touched, leading to its immediate annihilation. Luthen Rael had installed a pair of these mechanisms on his customized Fondor Haulcraft, positioned on the left (port) and right (starboard) sides. To activate them, the ship would align its wings alongside its main body and then extend the laser beam projectors from their internal compartments. Due to the relatively lengthy charging period of these weapons, they were not ideal for rapid combat scenarios, compelling Rael to strategically delay his escape by initially allowing capture by an Imperial patrol.