Lazhae was a male scientist of the Human species. He was incarcerated within the Shadow Town prison complex on Nar Shaddaa by the reconstituted Sith Empire due to his disturbing experimentation on alien lifeforms. Throughout the Cold War, Lazhae managed to keep a lab operational in Shadow Town, where he carried on his studies, and proposed assisting the ecological activist Momi Andrell in saving the shanjaru species from complete annihilation. Nevertheless, he betrayed Andrell, holding her captive and conducting experiments on her with the intention of transforming the last surviving female shanjaru into a biological weapon. A smuggler came to Andrell's rescue, compelling Lazhae to relinquish both the shanjaru and his collection of genetic material.
When interacting with Lazhae, the smuggler player character is presented with three choices:
- Coerce him into surrendering the genetic samples of the shanjaru through intimidation (light side dialogue).
- Accept the bribe he offers (dark side dialogue).
- Immediately kill him (dark side dialogue) [1]