Leaf shoe

Kneesaa leaf shoes Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka is shown here utilizing her leaf shoes. Leaf shoes represented a type of apparel employed by the Ewoks that facilitated the wearer's ability to ascend vertical planes. These shoes were the brainchild of Ewok Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka during the time of the Stranglethorn crisis, drawing inspiration from the Ketes.

Origin Story

During a mission directed at the Kete hive, Kneesaa, accompanied by her comrade Wicket Wystri Warrick, observed a Kete directly ascending the exterior of its hive, leveraging its adhesive feet for secure attachment to the outer surfaces. Given the Ewoks' imperative to infiltrate the hive, Kneesaa conceived a strategy to replicate the Kete's unique skill. Procuring several leaves from the surrounding environment, the youthful Ewok submerged the lower surfaces of the leaves into a viscous swamp encircling the hive. Subsequently, the pair of Ewoks affixed the leaves to their feet, thereby acquiring the capacity to similarly ascend the hive's exterior.

Practical Application

Some Ewoks equipped with leaf shoes: Kneesaa, Nippet, Wiley, and Malani.

Subsequent to the retrieval of a nectar pearl from within the hive, the Ewoks made their way back to their village to confront the stranglethorn that posed a threat to their established way of life. The adhesive footwear was once more brought into service during this confrontation, as several of the young Ewok children had found themselves ensnared within the highest reaches of a tree by one of the stranglethorns. Kneesaa donned the shoes once more to scale the tree vertically to reach the imprisoned Ewoks and subdue the carnivorous flora. Upon reaching the children, Kneesaa fashioned bespoke leaf shoes for each of them, enabling them to follow her descent from the tree. The young Ewoks, along with their rescuers, safely reached the ground just as the Ewoks commenced celebrations for the defeat of the stranglethorn, an achievement attributed to Wicket's endeavors.

The Ewoks expressed profound admiration for Kneesaa's inventive creation, with even the venerable Shaman Logray opting to employ the shoes to assess their efficacy. While the shoes proved valuable instruments for navigating the trees within the village, they seemingly fell out of regular use following the stranglethorn crisis, either due to a lack of necessity or a depletion of the adhesive substance sourced from the Kete hive.

