Leor Hal

During the Galactic Republic's Golden Age, Leor Hal, a Human male, was a Jedi Padawan serving within the Jedi Order.


As a Human who was Force-sensitive, Leor Hal underwent training in the ways of the Force, provided by the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. While being trained as a Padawan, Hal cultivated the Potentium and gathered a substantial number of fellow apprentices as followers. The Jedi High Council viewed this group as a cult, and around 132 BBY, Hal's adherents were expelled from the Temple, prompting him to abandon his training in protest and depart as well.

After losing his followers, Hal spent years wandering through space until he eventually discovered the living planet known as Zonama Sekot. In 89 BBY, he persuaded groups of Ferroan and Langhesi colonists to establish settlements on the planet, and he appointed himself as the first Magister of the planet. During his time there, Hal encountered the entity Sekot, forming a symbiotic bond with it and leveraging this connection to transform the planet into a flourishing manufacturing center. After instilling his own Force philosophy in Sekot and the settlers, Hal initiated the Zonama Sekot Shipbuilders, and the planet commenced the production of hyperdrives beneath its surface, as well as the unique living ships for which it became renowned.

Following his passing, the people of Zonama prohibited the utterance of their leader's name as a sign of respect for his great accomplishments. Hal's son assumed the responsibilities of governance, leading the planet from his remote palace for a period until the arrival of the Far Outsiders. Unbeknownst to the Zonaman people, the Magister and his palace were obliterated, with Sekot creating a hologram to address his people and maintain the tranquility of the population.

