The Listehol system, a star system, could be found in the Kwymar sector within the Outer Rim Territories. Positioned where the Hydian Way met the Listehol Run, the Listehol system gained recognition as a hub for spice and smuggling operations.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Port Tooga, a space station under the ownership of Shoola the Hutt, served as a significant hub for the transfer of spices and various illegal commodities along the Hydian Way. The station's location was near the system's star, where solar winds, stellar emissions, and radiation interfered with Imperial sensor capabilities. Soon after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel frigate known as the Shadow Raptor made a stop at the station to acquire a collection of droids; however, these droids had actually been programmed by the Empire. This ultimately triggered a droid revolt on the Shadow Raptor.