The Shatras were a sentient species of bipedal reptilian beings, originating from the world of Trascor.
Although appearing thin, Shatras possessed surprising strength, exhibiting residual scales along their backs and joints. They featured flattened heads with a pair of prominent, elongated eyes positioned on either side, granting them infrared sight. A Shatra's serpentine neck exhibited extraordinary flexibility, capable of nearly 720 degrees of rotation. This remarkable neck mobility made it challenging to approach a Shatra undetected. Upon identifying a lurking danger, a Shatra could employ its array of natural defenses, including slender, clawed hands, powerful, talon-like feet, or a notably painful bite.
Shatras were divided into five distinct races, discernible only by other Shatras or those with specialized knowledge. The most prevalent race, the Y'tras, constituted 87% of the overall Shatra population. They were technologically sophisticated and frequently traversed hyperlanes. The Hy'tras, the second most numerous race, represented only 10% of the population and were primarily located on the island-continent of Klypash. They were likely advanced in technology at one point, but a long and destructive war caused them to abandon technological pursuits.
Subsequently, the Y'tras forged an agreement with them: granting the Hy'tras autonomy in exchange for their wealth. Both sides adhered to this pact.
The remaining three races, collectively comprising 3% of the Shatra population, inhabited only specific regions of Trascor.
Shatras demonstrated a profound and ingrained loyalty to their kind. While they might harbor personal grievances towards individual Shatras, betraying a Shatra to a non-Shatra was unthinkable.