Llats Ward

Llats Ward was a Human Mandalorian mercenary who was hand-picked by Jango Fett to serve as a trainer for Jango's clones on Kamino. This training was part of the Cuy'val Dar initiative.

Ward was deeply involved in the world of combat, having memorized the military campaigns of famous Mandalorian leaders. As a combat instructor for the clone troopers, he used these historical campaigns as the basis for his teachings.

His attire consisted of green armor worn over a gray jumpsuit, accented with yellow knee and shoulder pads. A prominent Mythosaur skull was painted across the chest of his armor.

Behind the scenes

Llats Ward in full armor

The character of Llats Ward originated as part of an Entertainment Earth exclusive 14 action figure set. The action figure featured a newly sculpted head, waist, torso, and cape, while the arms, legs, and helmet were derived from existing Boba Fett molds.


  • Star Wars: 30th Anniversary Collection (Pack: Republic Elite Forces – Mandalorians and Omega Squad) (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
