A lobotomy involved severing neural pathways to and from the prefrontal cortex of the brain through a neurosurgical operation. This procedure typically caused significant impairment in cognitive abilities.
Defeen attempted to subject Triclops to a lobotomy at the Imperial Reprogramming Institute.
While held captive aboard the first Death Star, Princess Leia Organa recalled facing threats of being "lobotomized and then taken to one of the barracks' pleasure houses".
It was cheaper to perform a lobotomy on a Coruscani ogre and install cybernetics than it was to acquire a new droid.
During the creation of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, the decision was made to silence the verbose character of "Lando's aide" by implying his cybernetic implants had caused a lobotomy. As an allusion to this modification, the character received the name "Lobot," derived from the term "lobotomy."