Coruscani ogre

The Coruscani ogre represented a sizable, semi-sentient humanoid creature inhabiting the sublevels, sewers, and refuse repositories of Coruscant (otherwise known as dumps).

Biology and appearance

While these ogres generally shared traits like sparse hair, tough, leathery skin, and large, oddly shaped heads featuring wide mouths filled with uneven teeth, it's important to note that each creature possessed a distinct appearance. The ogres' deformed, varied, and mutated looks likely resulted from centuries of exposure to sewage, pollution, reactor radiation, inadequate diets, and the ruined ecosystems of Coruscant. It is hypothesized that these beings descended from primates, displaying a close kinship with Humans. However, similar to the Corridor ghoul, the precise ancestry of this creature remains shrouded in mystery.

Undergoing a lobotomy and receiving cybernetic implants on an ogre proved to be a more economical option compared to acquiring a brand-new droid.

Society and culture

Observations revealed ogres employing rudimentary tools and weapons, such as clubs; however, the potential for teaching them communication remains uncertain. They were also occasionally seen using rags and cloth for warmth and body covering, though this behavior was infrequent. As omnivorous scavengers and hunters, ogres typically avoided contact with Humans. Nevertheless, they posed a danger to sentient beings when threatened, startled, frightened, angered, or hungry.



A Coruscani ogre (left) fighting a Divto

The exact number of Coruscani ogres that arrived on Coruscant and the extent of their presence within the planet's Undercity remained unknown. Regardless, they were classified among the planet's many unsavory secrets. Government officials preferred limited knowledge about these brutish inhabitants of the lower regions, beneath the city's gleaming spires. During the period preceding the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Coruscant Wildlife Management Department unofficially oversaw the ogres, receiving a substantial budget to confine them to areas isolated from human contact. However, due to the actions of incompetent and corrupt bureaucrats from other departments, several ogres were covertly exported off-world, a situation the CWMD couldn't address due to their limited authority. Ultimately, the issue was largely ignored, with little concern over transferring the ogre problem to others.

In the closing years of the Galactic Republic, Melen Toobo, the head of the CWMD, initiated a plan to domesticate the ogres, intending to utilize their immense size for productive purposes. This involved lobotomizing the creatures to reduce their violent tendencies and implanting cybernetics into their brains. The goal was to transform these now-docile beings into a small workforce or organic droids, while simultaneously reducing containment costs. Coruscani ogres were also smuggled off Coruscant by slavers and hunters. The notorious Chevin slaver Phylus Mon employed Coruscani ogres as guards within his personal security detail.

Reign of the Empire

Following the establishment of the New Order, an extensive audit of the CWMD's records uncovered the program and the department's questionable practices. Imperial scientists of the new regime then began assessing the Coruscani ogres for potential military applications. While the domesticated beasts retained some violent tendencies, this was not considered a major obstacle, as the Empire sought non-Human workers for docile slave labor. Instead, military planners viewed the ogres as a form of soldier. Initial efforts to improve the original program failed, leading the Empire to explore alternative uses for the "friendlies". Groups of lobotomized ogres were transported to remote locations, with the intention of unleashing them to create chaos. These ogres were unofficially released into populated backwater worlds to terrorize the inhabitants. Subsequently, the Galactic Empire offered protection by dispatching stormtroopers to subdue the beasts responsible for casualties and damage. This created the illusion of the Empire restoring peace to a frightened population.

Savvy leaders recognized this tactic as an Imperial protection racket. However, more trusting planets viewed the Empire as saviors, welcoming their garrisons and appreciating the protection provided by the Imperial Military. Coruscani ogres employed in this manner proved to be an effective weapon of terror and a tool for reinforcement, successfully fulfilling their role. The program's secrecy and the lack of knowledge about the ogres allowed them to remain one of the Galactic Empire's hidden secret weapons, used to sway the local populace of resistant worlds to their rule.

New Republic Era

Consequently, the species dispersed to other planets, where they thrived, while those remaining on Coruscant largely perished during the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming of the planet.

