Lon Prador

Lon Prador, a male Kadrillian, held the position of Lord council on his homeworld, Kadril. When representatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic arrived on his world, he consented to furnish the Alliance with the planet's resources. However, the Galactic Empire soon launched an invasion of the planet. The Imperials deployed pacifog, a gas weaponized to amplify a species' inherent weaknesses, to subdue and govern the inhabitants, including Prador. Subsequently, Vader exploited Prador to acquire information about Kunda stone, a mineral indigenous to the planet and utilized in the production of pacifog filters. Ultimately, the Rebels, alongside a group of technophobic Kiadrillians known as the Nociv, successfully repelled the Imperials from the planet and liberated the Kiadrillians from the gas's pacifying influence.


Lon Prador, a male Kadrillian, served as the Lord council for his homeworld, Kadril. In the year 1 ABY, Prador engaged with envoys from the Alliance to Restore the Republic who were visiting Kadril to explore a potential alliance in the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. Welcoming the Rebels upon their arrival, Prador shared a meal with them. When Han Solo, a smuggler among them, voiced dissatisfaction with the food, Prador offered him any dish he desired and pledged to supply Bantha steak. Following discussions during the meal, Princess Leia Organa successfully convinced Prador of the Alliance's cause, leading him to commit the planet's resources. He then agreed to permit them access to the Zero-G lab in orbit around Kadril, but only after they re-established contact with Dal Quirz, a scientist working in the lab who had not responded to communication attempts via visicom. The Lord was subsequently informed of an Imperial cruiser observed departing the lab, after which Quirz appeared in person and greeted Prador, denying any sighting of the cruiser. With Quirz back in contact, Prador introduced the Rebels to Rodno, Quirz's assistant, whom Prador designated as their guide.

Prador met with members of the Rebel Alliance to discuss helping their cause.

Shortly after the Rebels departed for the lab, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, spearheaded an Imperial invasion of Kadril, employing pacifog, a weaponized gas designed to amplify a species most vulnerable traits. Kadrillians exposed to the gas became remarkably susceptible and readily obeyed orders without question, although it proved fatal to Humans. Vader then approached Prador, who greeted the Sith and offered his assistance, although Vader had his troops administer a mild dose of pacifog to the Lord council, despite his existing willingness to cooperate. Once the gas took effect, Vader interrogated Prador about Kunda stones, the mineral composing Kadril and the sole substance capable of filtering pacifog. Prador revealed the abundance of these stones on his homeworld, subsequently appearing alongside Vader in a visilink broadcast where the Imperial leader commanded the gassed Kadrillians to gather all Kunda stones and load them onto the Imperial transports he had brought. Following the broadcast, Prador informed Vader that the highest concentrations of Kunda stone were located in the hills within Nociv territory, a region controlled by a technophobic group of Kadrillians known as the Nociv, whom he described as dangerous. Vader then instructed his troopers to administer the gas to all Kadrillians, including the Nociv. When a trooper reported the loss of the Millennium Falcon, the starship belonging to the Rebel group that had recently left the Zero-G lab, Prador witnessed Vader punish the man by removing his Kunda stone filter, exposing him to the gas's effects and allowing Prador to understand Vader's need for the stones. The Sith gassed the Lord council again and ordered him to forget the stones use, after which the pair witnessed the effects of pacifog on the unfortunate soldier, which due to the many weaknesses of Humans caused bloating and death.

After learning that contact had been lost with Platoon o+ Delta, a group of Imperials sent to gas the Nociv, Vader then ordered the Kadrillians to attack the Nociv and the Rebels he assumed were aiding them despite Prador's protests. After learning that all of Kadril was made of Kunda, Vader again attempted to order the collection of the stones and the capture of the Rebels only to be cut off mid transmission, which Prador informed him was due to interference with the orbiting relay, a station orbiting Kadril used to relay the visilink signal. Based on this information Vader sent Imperial troops to the Zero-G lab where they caught Leia Organa after she returned from successfully disabling the XTC module in the orbiting relayer. Organa eventually escaped with the help Quirz and Chewbacca, another Rebel and through the use of Vibro-crystal, an experimental technology that Rodna was working on, the Nociv and Rebels fought off the Imperials, although not without many Kaldrillian casualties.

Personality and traits

Prador, like all Kadrillians, possessed a helpful and eager-to-please nature, offering Han Solo any food he wanted in an attempt to please him during their meal together. He was also easily persuaded to help a cause, agreeing quickly to aid the Rebels but also immediately offering to aid Darth Vader when he met the Lord council. When effected by pacifog he obeyed Darth Vaders every command, although question some after the effects of the gas began to wear off.

Behind the scenes

Lon Prador made his debut in Planet of Kadril, a comic strip penned by Archie Goodwin under the pseudonym Russ Helm and illustrated by Alfredo Alcala. The comic was published between August 11 and October 5 in 1980 by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.

