The Cave of the Lost Aqualish War Party existed to the northwest of the city of Dearic on the world of Talus. The Lost Aqualish utilized it.

This cave acted as the central headquarters for the Lost Aqualish, a collection of reclusive Aqualish. Their forebears had been secretly deployed on Talus during the Aqualish–Corellian War hundreds of years before the Battle of Yavin. They were then forgotten about when the war concluded. Upon finding it in the wilds of Talus, the Aqualish war party chose the cave as their permanent home, recognizing its suitability as a base for launching raids. Throughout the generations, the Aqualish successfully maintained the secrecy of their base, particularly from the human colonists of Talus. The Lost Aqualish still inhabited the cave during the era of the Galactic Civil War, prepared to resume their conflict against the Corellians should the opportunity arise.
During 1 ABY, a mercenary located in Nashal hired a spacer to assault the cave and kill as many Aqualish fighters as possible.
Also in that year, a spacer went to the cave and acquired a knife bound with sinew.