Lost Diary of Walter Emanus

Journal The journal The diary penned by Professor Walter Emanus, known as the Lost Diary of Walter Emanus, chronicles his dig at the Temple of Exar Kun. It details his eventual thrall to the spirit of Exar Kun. A group of spacers discovered fragments of this diary while raiding the temple's catacombs, where they were battling the Cult of Exar Kun.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game from 2003, featured the Lost Diary of Walter Emanus before it shut down on December 15, 2011. Sony Online Entertainment developed it, and LucasArts published it. The game incorporated the diary alongside the "Exar Kun" Heroic Encounter, introduced with the "Chapter 9" update on April 3, 2008. During the "Exar Kun" Heroic Encounter quest, various NPCs would drop pages from the diary. As a reward, players received the complete Diary after assembling all of the scattered pages.

