Lost Ones

The Lost Ones were a group of juvenile criminals that inhabited and controlled territory within the undercity of Coruscant. This gang consisted of young offenders who had either fled from their homes or been abandoned by their parents due to their misbehavior. Norys, a young individual infamous for his bullying tendencies, was their leader. They were rivals with the Blank Look Gang and may have at one point employed spacers to prevent the blankers from stealing a collection of antique Twi'lek pots displayed at the Galactic Museum located in CoCo Town.

The Lost Ones used a symbol resembling a targeting reticle surrounded by a triangle to mark their territory. Due to the scarcity of functional, complete weapons in Coruscant's undercity, they resorted to creating their own weapons from sharp pieces of salvaged materials.

Following the unsuccessful training of the Solo twins and Lowbacca, Brakiss and the Great Leader of the Second Imperium determined that recruiting underprivileged youths would be more advantageous than targeting prominent individuals for abduction, as they had initially done. This strategy offered numerous benefits, as few would notice their disappearances, and those who did would have limited legal recourse.

The members of the Lost Ones matched this profile. After his capture, Zekk was utilized by the Shadow Academy to persuade them to assist in filling the ranks of the Second Imperium. Those among them who exhibited Force-sensitive abilities would receive training to become Dark Jedi. Even those without Force abilities were valuable, as they possessed extensive knowledge of a planet considered the core of the New Republic. This knowledge could be exploited for purposes of espionage and sabotage. The latter group would be trained as elite stormtroopers and TIE pilots.

Former members of the Lost Ones participated in the assault against the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Their ultimate fate remains unknown, although they were either killed or taken prisoner.

