
The sentient arachnids, known as the Lucents (a name bestowed upon them by Daran Tal, given the impossibility of humanoids pronouncing their true language), were crystalline spiders originating from an unknown world, believed to be located within the Voidfire Nebula. Possessing an unquenchable thirst for knowledge regarding other species and their technologies, their inherent scientific nature led them to construct the Crystal Web Station. This station served as a hub for interaction with the broader galactic community, a goal realized with the assistance of Baron Administrator Tal. Prior to the establishment of Crystal Web (constructed before Tal's initial contact), information regarding the Lucents and their understanding of other races was scarce. However, they demonstrated themselves to be beings of trustworthiness and honor, seemingly driven only by a desire to learn about the other inhabitants of the galaxy. Speculation arose concerning a vast and advanced Lucent civilization existing beyond the nebula, claims that the Lucents neither verified nor refuted.

The Lucents, with their spider-like forms, held a unique perspective on the Force, distinct from most other sentient beings. In accordance with their physical nature, they referred to the Force as "the Life-Web" or simply "the Weave", possessing a deep understanding of its applications. All Lucents possessed the ability to "see" the Weave as an intricate network of shimmering crystal strands. While the development of Force powers among the Lucents was a rare occurrence, it was not entirely unknown. Those who did harness the Force were incapable of using it to manipulate individuals or delve into their thoughts, and they seldom employed it to directly influence others. However, they exhibited remarkable proficiency in manipulating the Weave for physical effects, particularly in the realms of telekinesis and related abilities.

Every Lucent possessed a distinctive talent stemming from their profound connection to the Force and their innate understanding of spatial relationships. Without relying on navigation computers or astromech droids, Lucents could calculate the most rapid, secure, and often the most convenient route through hyperspace between any two points. This inherent capability closely mirrored the Jedi ability known as instinctive astrogation.

Their technology diverged considerably from the standards prevalent throughout the galaxy. While they possessed essential components such as hyperdrives, sublight drives, repulsors, and blasters, their technological designs incorporated crystalline webs and energy-infused gems in place of conventional mechanisms. This unique approach enabled their vessels to navigate the treacherous Voidfire Nebula without succumbing to its detrimental effects. Initially, they hesitated to share their technology with the broader galaxy, prioritizing their own learning about their neighbors. Subsequently, they declined to contribute to the escalating conflict of the Galactic Civil War. However, in 4 ABY, Daran Tal successfully persuaded them to release a small portion of their technology to positively impact the galaxy. They agreed to this under the condition that they retain control over the distribution. They communicated to Tal their desire to offer the technology to all factions within the galaxy, rather than favoring any single group. Tal then assembled a delegation comprising New Republic operatives, an Imperial Admiral and his staff, and Orta, a Hutt representing the various fringe elements. Despite the initial reluctance of each group to allow the others access to the technology, the Lucents had already determined that either all groups would receive it, or none at all. Despite some initial tensions, the meeting proceeded relatively smoothly, with all participating groups departing satisfied.

