Luilris Mushroom Pie

Luilris Mushroom Pie was crafted using luilris mushrooms sourced from the Myyydril Caverns located on the planet Kashyyyk. This brown pie represented just one of many culinary creations produced by the Myyydril tribe, utilizing the indigenous plants and animals of their cavernous home.

A Twi'lek nurse within the Myyydril tribe, named Yraka Nes, baked the pie as a morale booster for her fellow tribesmen. This was to provide comfort while their warriors were engaged in combat against an Urnsor'is spider infestation. She accomplished this task with the assistance of a local cantina.

Sometime following the Battle of Yavin which occurred in 0 BBY, Nes found herself in need of additional mushrooms due to dwindling supplies. After a spacer aided her in collecting ten of these mushrooms, she expressed her gratitude by gifting them one of her pies.

Behind the scenes

The Luilris Mushroom Pie made its debut as a consumable food within the 2005 Rage of the Wookiees expansion pack. This expansion was for the 2003 Sony Online Entertainment massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Star Wars Galaxies. Before Galaxies' shutdown in 2011, consuming the pie granted players a substantial increase to both their constitution and stamina for a duration of several minutes. Players could earn this item by completing the "Luilris Mushrooms" quest on Kashyyyk, which involved gathering ten mushrooms for Yraka Nes.

