Lur Arka Sulas, a Twi'lek of the male persuasion with green skin, made his home on the planet Dantooine, situated in the Outer Rim around 3956 BBY. Employed by Rundil ot Sulem, a rancher, he encountered an amnesiac individual named Revan during Revan's visit to the Jedi Enclave located there.
Serving as an aide and executor, Sulas was an employee of the rancher Rundil ot Sulem on the pastoral planet of Dantooine in the Outer Rim. When Sasha, Rundil's daughter, was abducted by Mandalorians during a raid on the ranch, Sulas was dispatched to find her. This search spanned numerous years, during which many sentients led him astray or attempted to exploit him for their own selfish purposes. He was present at the Jedi Enclave in 3956 BBY when Revan, suffering from amnesia, arrived alongside Bastila Shan and their companions, having fled the destruction of Taris. He eventually requested their assistance in locating her. Revan, though unfamiliar with Sasha, offered to search for her.
Subsequently, while aboard the Ebon Hawk, Mission Vao, a Rutian Twi'lek, along with Zaalbar, the exiled Wookiee, discovered a depletion of emergency ration supplies. After analyzing the situation, Revan deduced that the culprit was a sentient being, rather than a small animal. Following a search of the ship, Revan cornered the stowaway within the Ebon Hawk's cargo hold. Upon confronting the stowaway, Revan discovered her to be a young female human. The child communicated in an unfamiliar dialect of Mando'a, leading Revan to suspect that she was the same child Sulas was searching for. Revan initially attempted to communicate using her unique language, assuring her of her safety and promising her return home. Revan then went back to Dantooine, and informed Sulas of the situation. Sulas was initially hesitant to board the ship, due to his previous experiences with spacers. However, upon learning more about the stowaway, Sulas was sure that they were indeed Sasha. Sulas boarded the Ebon Hawk and spoke to Sasha, remarking on her linguistic difficulties. While Sasha was hesitant to leave with Sulas, Revan explained to her that she would be safe. Sulas departed the ship accompanied by Sasha, returning her to her parents, where it was anticipated that she would learn Basic.
The main quest, 'Alien Stowaway', becomes uncompletable if Sulas is not informed about Sasha prior to the destruction of Dantooine. The Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide erroneously identifies Sulas as an Ithorian.