Lyrre T'enna's annotated field guide

A well-known zoologist named Lyrre T'enna authored an annotated field guide with support from the Intergalactic Zoological Society. This guide, released as a book during the peak of the New Republic era, detailed the physical characteristics, food consumption, and natural environments of various wild, non-sentient animals. Specifically, the wildlife from nine distinct planets and moons were included: Tatooine, Hoth, Dagobah, Naboo, Bespin, Endor, Yavin 4, Coruscant, and Alderaan.

Similar to the original field journals that provided its foundation, the guide featured elaborate pen-and-ink illustrations, complete with handwritten notes in the borders. T'enna personally created all the colored artwork for the book in real-time, while directly observing the subjects in their habitats.

Behind the scenes

In the fictional world, T'enna's guide mirrors the real-world publication The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, penned by Terryl Whitlatch and Bob Carrau, and brought to the public by Chronicle Books in 2001.


  • The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
