
The Lyunesi were a delicate species of humanoid beings, one of the six original inhabitants of the planet Ryoone. Their ability to understand languages and perceive every subtle aspect of body language was crucial for their survival on their homeworld, a place defined by intense competition between its native lifeforms. The Lyunesi also utilized their linguistic talents beyond their planet, functioning as communication specialists at communication hubs throughout the galaxy. However, when interacting with other species, their heightened sensitivity to non-verbal cues could cause individual Lyunesi to develop an overwhelming obsession with another individual, which impaired their judgment. The Lyunesi communications expert Oph Nar Dinnid was compelled to abandon his position in the Narrant system after this condition resulted in an affair with the primary concubine of his superior. Dinnid sought sanctuary with the Shell Hutts, but ultimately met his demise at the hands of the Shell Hutt Gheeta.

Biology and appearance

The Lyunesi were a frail species of sentient humanoids.

Society and culture

The Lyunesi's historical survival was linked to their exceptional skill in translating between species. Their abilities went beyond simple word translation, encompassing every subtle detail of body language, even when dealing with species with vastly different biological systems. Their aptitude was so pronounced that the Lyunesi surpassed the effectiveness of protocol droids. However, their extreme sensitivity to communication could sometimes manifest as hyper-eros, a consuming passion for another sentient being. While often reciprocated, this state could strip both individuals of their rational thought, resulting in a variety of unfavorable outcomes.


The Lyunesi evolved on the remote planet Ryoone, situated near the end of the Koda Spur within the Wazta sector of the Outer Rim Territories. For countless years, the upper atmosphere of their homeworld was filled with volcanic particles, leading to fierce competition for resources among the planet's six native species. The Lyunesi would have been eradicated by these stronger species had they not mastered inter-species communication. This skill made them indispensable in managing the ever-changing alliances, declarations of war, and quickly dissolved peace agreements that characterized the relationships between the planet's other inhabitants.

Lyunesi in the galaxy

Boba Fett led a team of bounty hunters to capture the Lyunesi Oph Nar Dinnid.

Lyunesi could be found across the galaxy, working at various communication hubs linking different sectors of the Galactic Empire, carefully managing the messages and negotiations that flowed between these regions. Lyunesi in these important diplomatic roles occasionally caused significant scandals when overcome by an all-consuming passion for another sentient being. Oph Nar Dinnid was responsible for one such incident. This Lyunesi worked as a communication expert and protocol officer for a major ruling clan in the Narrant system. These clans were loosely connected groups of genetically related species, bound together by complex layers of ritual deference and blood oaths. Dinnid became infatuated with his supreme ruler's primary concubine and was discovered—publicly—in a compromising situation with her.

Dinnid escaped the Narrant system, seeking safety with the Shell Hutts on Circumtore, but not before a substantial reward was offered for his capture. Dinnid provided the Hutts with confidential information about the ruling clan's activities, which he had stored in memory augmentors surgically implanted in his brain. These augmentors were programmed to release the information gradually, ensuring Dinnid's long-term value to the Hutts. However, this plan was disrupted when the Shell Hutt Gheeta chose to negotiate with the ruling clan, prioritizing immediate profit over long-term advantage. In exchange for a large sum of credits, Gheeta had Dinnid killed, guaranteeing that the ruling clan's secrets would remain hidden.

Dinnid's death was largely concealed. As a result, a team of bounty hunters led by Boba Fett and including Bossk, Zuckuss, IG-88, and D'harhan traveled to Circumtore to apprehend Dinnid. They were escorted into the Shell Hutts' reception hall by Gheeta, who harbored a long-standing grudge against Fett from a previous encounter. Using Dinnid as bait, she attempted to eliminate Fett and his team with a force of assembled mercenaries. However, Fett detonated an explosive he had previously concealed in the reception hall and, in the ensuing chaos, turned the tables on Gheeta, ultimately killing the Shell Hutt. His group was then permitted to leave Circumtore by the surviving Shell Hutts.

Behind the scenes

The Lyunesi were created by K. W. Jeter for his novel The Mandalorian Armor, which was published in 1998. Since that time, the Lyunesi Oph Nar Dinnid has been referenced in several supplementary books.

